• Ven. Mar 28th, 2025


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E-mail: redazione@areacentese.com

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INFORMATIVA AI SENSI DELL’ART. 13 DEL D.L. n.196/2003. Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del Decreto Legislativo n.196/2003, ricordiamo che utilizzeremo le informazioni fornite per predisporre il servizio richiesto. I dati saranno trattati con modalità informatiche e non saranno oggetto di diffusione alcuna. In qualunque momento potranno essere esercitati dagli interessati i diritti di cui all’art. 7- D. lgs 196/2003 contattando il titolare del trattamento all’indirizzo: redazione@areacentese.com 

2 commenti su “Contatti”
  1. Dear Concern,

    We Are Specialist manufacturer and exporter of following Custom products regarding

    – Wrist Wraps
    – Lifting straps
    – Lifting Hooks
    – Versa Grips
    – Weightlifting/Fitness Gloves
    – Gymnastic Grips/Palm Grips
    – Elbow and Knee Wraps
    – Weightlifting Belts
    – Powerlifting belts
    – Dip Belts
    – Head Harness
    – Arm Blaster
    – Bench Blaster
    – Resistance Band/Hip Circle
    – Ankle Straps
    – Ankle Guard
    – Gym Bags
    – Compression Wear
    – Singlets/Tank tops
    – T-Shirts/Hoodies/Jackets
    – Track Suits
    – Shorts/Pants
    – Track Suits
    – Powerlifting/Weightlifting Suits/Singlet
    – Cardio Workout (Boxing/Kickboxing Gear/Wear)
    – Wrestling Suits and Championship belts
    – Mini Weightlifting/Powerlifting belts keychain.

    Many Other Sports and Casual Wears as well on demand.

    For Products kindly visit http://www.axiomasterisk.com or feel free to ask for PDF Catalog.

    Our Mission at Axiom Asterisk is giving the best quality,
    competitive products in time frame. With authority, energy and boldness.

    AXIOM ASTERISK offers a unique Experience for Athletes,
    by Providing the best fitness, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting/Weightlifting,
    Cross-Fit, Yoga Wear and athletic gear, wear & Gift/Promotional Products with Fully Customization.


    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Ali Afzal

    [A Custom Products Manufacturing Company]

    Mailing Address:
    Afzal building, Main Street.NO2
    AL-REHMAT TOWN, Chennab Rangers Road
    Sialkot, 51310-Pakistan.

    Call: 0092-333-8711707

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